Monday, January 12, 2015

Operation Organization

...Is definitely in full effect in our household. I think every time I even just go into a room, my brain starts to overflow with organizational and project ideas. I think I'm driving my husband a little totally nuts. Conversations between us lately have been going a little something like this:

Me: So I was looking at this organizational blog the other day...
Husband: {blank stare}


Me: Can you puhleeeeeease help me with all this ish you promisssssed you'd help me with earlier?!
Husband: Heather, I willllll. Just after this game.
Me: {blank stare}


Me: I can't wait 'til everything in this house is better organized and we can all just breathe a little.
Husband: But everything IS organized! And I AM breathing.
Me: {blank stare} What do you think about knocking down a wall in the living room to make the kitchen a little more open?
Husband: {blank stare}

I'll admit, I'm obnoxious about it. But I just get into this mode where when I get my mind made up about something, it's full friggin' speed ahead. And I take everyone down with me. Kidding. (But seriously.) My husband laughs and rolls his eyes a lot, but he really is so supportive and goes with the flow so much of the time, and I couldn't be more appreciative! Sometimes it seems like these little projects and things I'm wanting to take on are/will be never-ending, but I'm trying my best to really take it one room and space at a time... otherwise I know things will never happen. Hoping to post progress and update pics soon! 

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New year, fresh start

Well, it didn't take this girl very long to fall off the blogging bandwagon... again. Insert red-faced emoji. Blah! I kick myself for doing things like this- I get into these moods where I'm motivated and determined and GOING to do something, change something, whatever it is, and I do really well for a short period of time, and then I just... lose it. I don't know if it's motivation, I don't know if it's because the task or issue at hand just seems or becomes too overwhelming, but whatever it is... I'm over it. It's a flaw of mine that I've struggled with for awhile, but I'm saying no more in 2015! Said this before. Been here before. Why should now be different? Well... it's not, really. Maybe I'll fall off the blogging face of the earth again. Maybe I won't. Maybe I'll eventually stop blogging altogether because I can't keep up with it. Or maybe I won't. Unfortunately, I've packed my crystal ball away with all my Christmas decorations (sad day), but all I can say is I will try. I will try to continue this journey I've started. I will try not to overwhelm myself by taking on too much (which I really think is what it might boil down to?). I will have more faith and determination... in myself? It's a new year, and I'm ready for change!

Starting with...

Organizing my house. And my life. I've always considered myself fairly organized and Type A... until  I stumbled across the most wonderful, adorable blog- IHeart Organizing. Oh my jeeeeez! Jen takes it to a whole new level and has me all kinds of inspired. I'm trying very, VERY hard to take her advice and not get toooooo caught up in organizing every little thing right away... because I KNOW that'll be a recipe for disaster. But I am getting my ish together, one little space at a time. And I feel good about it!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year!

LET'S DO THIS, 2015.