Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Happenings lately

Busy, busy, busy... as usual! I swear, we've had something going on just about every weekend so far, and it seems that it'll continue that way for a little while longer. Not necessarily complaining- our weekends have been great, but you know that feeling where you're just ready to be DONE? Done with events and commitments and get-togethers and entertaining and all of that. Not for good, but just for a little bit. To catch your breath. To catch up on sleep. To spend time with family. I've reached that point but am tryinggggg to stop and remind myself how lucky and blessed I am that I have the opportunities to do all of the wonderful things we've been doing. Such assssssss...

A weekend at the lake with friends while my in-laws (well- basically just my MIL, as my FIL was pretty sick so tried to keep his distance) watched Brayden. It was much-needed and was so nice and relaxing to get away a little bit. But Little Man wasn't far from our minds! (It's funny how you get to a point where you feel so ready to just kind of get away and take a break with your spouse or friends or what not, and then as soon as you do, you wonder why you were so ready to go off in the first place because you're missing your little one so much.)
Received these 2 pics of my sweetness from my MIL while we were gone. I couldn't even deal.

And my big boy got his first haircut. Per my mother. As he sat in his swing (his favorite place of all time). I'll let you see for yourself the progression of his mood and emotions as we attempted it.

We headed off to Nola for some of our best friends' wedding.

My hubby and son were both in the wedding. Could you diiiiiie from the cuteness?! I did.
Just my son trying to hide his face while the group took pics. Nbd. [Excuse the blurriness.]

And then there was the photoshoot that Brayden and I had while we waited for my aunt to [so kindly] come pick him up so he could get his cute behind to sleep and Daddy and Mama could let loose a bit with friends. :) I swear, all the kid wanted to do as we took pictures was fake cough [because remember, we're soooo into that these days] and pretend to hide his face [which he so adorably does by placing his hands by his ears instead of in front of his eyes and face. I melt!].

Then it was time for some grown-up time! Seeing some of our closest friends that we don't get to see as much anymore due to everyone's busy schedules and living all over the country was seriously the bessssst. I live for nights like this.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

My son is the funniest person he knows

I posted a portion of this video on Instagram but figured there was absolutely no harm in sharing the whole thing here, seeing as how it's crazy sweet! Ohhhhh, the innocence and cuteness of children. I love how it also captures some of his walking (which he is beyond proud of himself for- so freakin' sweet) and my hubby's ridiculous attempts at getting Brayden to ham it up. (I feel like when you become a parent, you definitely find yourself saying and doing the dumbest craziest things, just to get a laugh from your child or get him/her to put on a show for others. Gotta love it.)

Unfortunately, I wasn't actually there when this video took place (thank goodness for my aunt, who captured this little gem!)- Mama was out with a friend, having some muchhhh needed girl time, Mexican food, and margaritas. Getting a text of this video, though, definitely put a smile on my face. Lately, Brayden is very into fake-everything... fake-laughing, fake-coughing, fake-crying... you name it, he's probably mastered it (or has at least tried). He's such a little ham and is DEFINITELY the funniest person he knows. Hands down. And I'll admit, he's probably the funniest person I know, too. ;)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Since I last blogged...


Doesn't everybody take 3 [at least]?!

Our little monkey!
Announced it via this pic!
Gender reveal for our sweet baby BOY!


Watching him grow, change, hit milestones, and develop the sweetest little personality has been indescribable. Before we knew it, we were celebrating his 1st birthday this past June. Amazing how quickly time goes by, and I'd say we're just trying to hold on to every moment. It's like a good friend and coworker once told and continues to tell me... "Don't blink." It's so friggin' true. Life goes by wayyyy too fast, and it's so important to just STOP once in awhile and take it all in.

What else happened in the past couple of years [since I last blogged]?

-Hubby and I celebrated our 2nd and 3rd wedding anniversaries!
This is from our 3rd wedding anniversary this past June in sunny CA (despite the Instagram filter making it look like it was overcast- swear it wasn't)! We took a mini getaway and celebrated. :) Our 2nd anniversary was [well] spent in the hospital with Little Man... he was born the day before. ;)

-I completed my first full year of teaching! Big accomplishment, considering it was definitely a challenging year full of highs and lows. [Oh, and I got pregnant and was throughout most of the school year. ;)] I wouldn't have been able to make it through near as well if it hadn't been for my amazing teaching partner, 1st grade teammates, and the rest of my coworkers at school.

-We decided that I wouldn't go back to teaching full-time. It was a very difficult and somewhat bittersweet decision but absolutely the best and right one for us and our family. Chris and I have always said that it is our hope that I will be able to be a SAHM once kids come around, and we wanted to stay true to that and do our best to make it happen. Because I had been teaching a shorter time than I assumed I'd be when kids came, we decided that I would substitute teach 2 days a week (while my mom so wonderfully and graciously babysits) and be at home with the babe the other 3 days. It's a balance that worked SOOOO stinkin' well this past year, we're keeping it going this year as well. People ask all the time when I'm going back full-time. And I don't necessarily take the option completely off the table because, let's face it- teaching is one of those great professions that you can get back into whenever- but I'm just not sure that I will. I think our family's ultimate goal is that I will stay at home with kids full-time, especially once we have more... Never say never, but right now, subbing provides a great balance, still gives me a little something on the side (because I'm not busy enough), and is a small way of continuing to help provide for the family... without being too time-consuming, the way a full-time job might be (which, by the way, I have the UTMOST RESPECT for mothers who do! Just sayin' that our family's personal thoughts are that I wouldn't have to work full-time after having Brayden, so I'm merely saying that subbing provides a little something without the regular demands of a full-time job. Now that I've repeated myself... but just wanted to clear that up!) Anywayyyy... we'll see what the future holds! Our arrangement right now works nicely, is all I'll say. :)

-We've been to and been a part of more weddings than we can count. It's so fun, but mannnnn... weddings are WERRRRRK. And I don't mean for the bride and groom (though obvi I think of you all first and foremost. Ahem). The travel (because some lots have been out of town), costs, time, commitment... you don't realize how much it might be until you're involved, especially if it's over and over. Not complaining! Just saying. I've loved every minute and am so appreciative of all the rockstars who did the same for Chris and me! ;)

-Chris has moved up at work. And is doing mighty well, if I do say so myself. Accounting is toughhhh, and I know I could never do it. So, props to my man. He is wonderful and awesome and hard-working and does SO friggin' much for our family. We're forever grateful.

-Just been livin' and lovin' life! Truly, truly blessed.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Houston, we have a WALKER!!!

I was literally typing up a new blog post (titled, "Baby showers and football," to be specific) when my baby boy started WALKING!!! Needless to say, the topic of this post has changed. ;)

Today I went to a sweet coworker's baby shower. She and her partner are due in October, and ohhhh emmm geeee, she's so cute and PREGGO! It doesn't get much better than a little big baby bump! For their baby

...was what I had typed out when I threw placed my computer next to me so I could record a sweet little video of the wonderful milestone! It's obviously a big deal when a child meets any milestone, but I definitely feel like walking is one of those where you quickly realize that your little one is not-so-little anymore. Because now there's a sense of freedom and independence. Now he/she can get around... without relying on you as much. It's incredible and such an accomplishment but also makes me feel a little scared and nostalgic, too. We're now in uncharted territory, and I'm just reminded of how BIG my little baby has gotten! And this milestone is also particularly exciting for us because Brayden has actually technically taken a few steps already... and for all-intensive purposes could be considered a "walker"... but he usually always insists on holding someone's finger. Even if it's very lightly, and he's basically doing all the work. We've tried and tried and tried and have worked with him and encouraged him without trying to force or push him into something he isn't ready for... and like I said, some steps have happened here and there. But they usually weren't intentional, or he got scared and would barely step and then squat back down. He's been standing alone and letting go of furniture for what seems like forever... but actually getting him to walk has been a challenge. We haven't wanted to push him into anything he's not ready for, but he'll be 15 months on Sept. 10th, and while the logical part of me knows it's considered normal and average for kids to start walking between 12 and 18 months, the worry wart mother in me has felt a little uneasy, especially when most of the other babies I know have walked right around their 1st birthdays. People are constantly asking if Brayden is walking yet, and I almost feel like I have to be on the defense when I respond, "Not yet... but he's SO close!" Sometimes I feel like they're judging. I've gotten looks now and then where people haven't been shy to hide what they seem to be thinking. And the comments. Oh, the comments. "Oh, he's not walking YET?!" or "I'm surprised he isn't taking off and running at this point!" Gasp. No, he's not, rude and judgy people. But he will. When he's ready. And it will be glorious. So back. OFF.

Well, looks like he's feeling ready! And we couldn't be prouder of our little man. :) :) :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Starting fresh.

Wow. I think it's been around 2 years since I last blogged? YIKES. My last blog, The Story of Us, was fun and something I started to keep up with life and daily happenings... but then I found I just wasn't keeping up with it like I originally thought I would. I used being busy as an excuse (because seriously, when are people NOT busy?!). I got bored. I felt like my posts were just random. And that's all okay, because after all, I'm writing for myself and who really cares if things are silly or don't make sense, but... I don't know. I just don't think I was really into it. And now I'm kicking myself because of all that's happened in the last 2 years. I wish I would've kept up with things, even if only occasionally, so I could've documented these last 2 amazing years - 2 of the best years of my life! Shoulda, woulda, coulda... I don't like to live with regret, which is why I decided to simply... start fresh. Start over. Start a new blog with a new title and a new purpose and a new everything. To document what's already happened and what amazing things are still to come. Who knows how this new blog will go, but for now, all I can say is... it's good to be back.