Saturday, September 6, 2014

Houston, we have a WALKER!!!

I was literally typing up a new blog post (titled, "Baby showers and football," to be specific) when my baby boy started WALKING!!! Needless to say, the topic of this post has changed. ;)

Today I went to a sweet coworker's baby shower. She and her partner are due in October, and ohhhh emmm geeee, she's so cute and PREGGO! It doesn't get much better than a little big baby bump! For their baby

...was what I had typed out when I threw placed my computer next to me so I could record a sweet little video of the wonderful milestone! It's obviously a big deal when a child meets any milestone, but I definitely feel like walking is one of those where you quickly realize that your little one is not-so-little anymore. Because now there's a sense of freedom and independence. Now he/she can get around... without relying on you as much. It's incredible and such an accomplishment but also makes me feel a little scared and nostalgic, too. We're now in uncharted territory, and I'm just reminded of how BIG my little baby has gotten! And this milestone is also particularly exciting for us because Brayden has actually technically taken a few steps already... and for all-intensive purposes could be considered a "walker"... but he usually always insists on holding someone's finger. Even if it's very lightly, and he's basically doing all the work. We've tried and tried and tried and have worked with him and encouraged him without trying to force or push him into something he isn't ready for... and like I said, some steps have happened here and there. But they usually weren't intentional, or he got scared and would barely step and then squat back down. He's been standing alone and letting go of furniture for what seems like forever... but actually getting him to walk has been a challenge. We haven't wanted to push him into anything he's not ready for, but he'll be 15 months on Sept. 10th, and while the logical part of me knows it's considered normal and average for kids to start walking between 12 and 18 months, the worry wart mother in me has felt a little uneasy, especially when most of the other babies I know have walked right around their 1st birthdays. People are constantly asking if Brayden is walking yet, and I almost feel like I have to be on the defense when I respond, "Not yet... but he's SO close!" Sometimes I feel like they're judging. I've gotten looks now and then where people haven't been shy to hide what they seem to be thinking. And the comments. Oh, the comments. "Oh, he's not walking YET?!" or "I'm surprised he isn't taking off and running at this point!" Gasp. No, he's not, rude and judgy people. But he will. When he's ready. And it will be glorious. So back. OFF.

Well, looks like he's feeling ready! And we couldn't be prouder of our little man. :) :) :)

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